What is Bioenergy + Carbon Capture & Sequestration (BeCCS)?

Bioenergy typically refers to converting the energy captured by plants through photosynthesis and converting this into energy usable in human systems.  Most BECCS systems are intended to use biomass—vegetative material that is either grown for this purpose or is a waste byproduct of other agricultural operations e.g. crop wastes, construction wood waste etc—to generate energy.  This is typically done through burning the biomass and generating electricity with the steam generated by this combustion.

The premise of most BeCCS systems is the assertion that the carbon released from this burning process can be immediately captured and then pumped into some sort of huge long-term storage site to that it would not be released into the atmosphere.  The only spaces big enough to receive these huge volumes of greenhouse gases would have to be subterranean caverns.

The stretches of logic that this implies are obvious…

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What is Biochar?

Recognized as a potential climate stabilizing tool for decades, biochar has been used by humans as a resource for millennia.  The potential leverage this unique material can create is only beginning to be fully understood.

Biochar is listed directly as one of the top 100 climate stabilizing strategies In Paul Hawkin’s internationally recognized book Drawdown.  If integrated into a number of the other 100 strategies (regenerative agriculture; conservation agriculture; clean cookstoves; composting) biochar could contribute to as much as 75 gigatons of carbon sequestration by 2050—a combined impact making it one of the urgent drawdown strategies most powerful tools.

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