
A photo of Gordon West

gordon west

Founder, CEO, CTO

Gordon West has 42 years of experience in building design and construction, logging, saw milling, product development, equipment fabrication and modification, business management, and all aspects of entrepreneurism. He has owned and operated multiple small businesses including:

  • 1977 - Gordon opened Santa Clara Woodworks, a construction contracting, wood processing, and woodworking business since (NM GB-98 Residential and Commercial Contractors license);

  • 1998 - he co-founded Gila WoodNet, a nonprofit research and development corporation dedicated to creating products and processes related to forest ecosystem restoration efforts;

  • 2004 - Gordon co-founded Restoration Technologies LLC, a research, development and commercialization company dedicated to creating high-value products using low-value biomass while adhering to triple-bottom-line business principles - RT is currently commercializing Zerosion and developing Chipcrete;

  • 2012 - he founded The Trollworks LLC, an equipment R&D company dedicated to development of community scaled biomass process technologies. The company is West’s current focus with Biochar+Energy Systems development and manufacture as the primary endeavor.